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Product IRIS KashFlow
Categories Invoicing & Quotes
Created by Rich Mellor
Created on Oct 15, 2018

Edit Invoice and update customer address

When editing an invoice - you are allowed to edit the customer address, whether they have a delivery address or not and there is also a button to "Update customer details".

This is useful for reformatting paypal imports, where EVERY new invoice has a delivery address (even if the same as the billing address) and it is rarely formatted correctly.  In fact, on some payments, there are no details entered except for a comma (!) and the country!

If I edit the address, update customer details seems to work, BUT it would be helpful, if I got the option to update all invoices for that customer too - as sometimes I have 3 or 4 orders from the same customer in the same paypal import and have to manually amend the addresses for all 4 orders in that case!

I already recommended that you should be able to overwrite the paypal imported details with the existing customer details on Kashflow - - however, that has still not been implemented almost a year later.

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  • Rich Mellor
    Oct 23, 2018

    There are still issues around this which also need to be addressed.

    Do a paypal import - and create the invoices automatically.

    a) EVERY invoice now has a payment and shipping address even if the two addresses provided by PayPal are the same - which is pointless.

    b) If you edit the invoice - untick the box to say "use separate shipping address".  The update customer record option becomes available.  However, click on that and then view the customer record - it still has a separate shipping address.

  • Julie Shepherd
    Oct 19, 2018

    Thank you for your ideas. We do consider all ideas submitted via Canvass, but we cannot guarantee to implement them all.  There are a number of factors that contribute to which ideas are taken forward, we use the demand for a change shown by the number of votes in Canvass as one of those.