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Product IRIS KashFlow
Categories Invoicing & Quotes
Created by Guest
Created on Dec 5, 2019

Editing invoices - to be more user friendly

When you go into an invoice to amend something such as the company, there is an edit symbol next to the client name, for example;

If you click invoices and search 12484 and select the invoice, then click the pen symbol next to the company name, it takes you back to the customers screen. This is misleading as it suggest you can edit the customer information from there. I am aware of how to do it but this is an observation of how it is not very user friendly

When editing the customer name via the pink edit button, when you type in the customer name to search for the client it only brings up the relevant client if you are searching for the first word. For example, I often need to change the customer name to Bupa however nothing comes up when I type this in as it is entered on the system as English Institute of Sport - Bupa. Again this doesn't affect me particularly as I was aware there was a Bupa account but as we have more staff join it could cause people to make duplicate accounts.

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