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Product IRIS KashFlow
Categories Partner Apps
Created by Rich Mellor
Created on Nov 26, 2017

PayPal App Improvements

You have two methods of importing PayPal records.  Yodlee (which is the method which appears on the Bank screen for the PayPal account) and the Kashflow PayPal App.

If you enable the Kashflow PayPal App, whilst it can be accessed via the Dashboard and Apps, it also needs to be the link on the Bank -> Paypal import section rather than inviting people to 'Add Import' which is confusing!!

Also the Kashflow PayPal App needs updating to import ALL lines from PayPal, not just the first line of the items on the PayPal invoice and the total.  At present even if you receive a PayPal payment for :

1 Widget £10

Shipping £4
TOTAL Received £14 (less fees).

The Kashflow App creates an invoice with just:

1 Widget £14

Meaning for proper reconciliation, you have to edit every invoice and add a line just for the shipping. Even worse if a customer purchases 3 or more different items from you at the same time.

According to ClearBooks, this is the main reason people switch from Kashflow to ClearBooks.

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  • Rich Mellor
    Dec 31, 2017

    The PayPal import App needs major improvements - why not publish the source somewhere so people can suggest changes or even add to the code?

    The App is poorly written and does not appear to have been updated in a long time - it has major shortcomings as follows:

    a) Address import does not take account of where the customer already exists on Kashflow

    b) Address import enters the country name TWICE in the address details

    c) Address import adds UK to all addresses even if the business is based in the UK

    d) Only the first LINE of all PayPal payments is imported which means if you are selling physical goods, you have to EDIT every single automatically created invoice in order to split off the shipping as a minimum

    e) Quantity and unit price are ignored for items being sold