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Product IRIS KashFlow
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Created by Guest
Created on Jan 10, 2017

Fully integrate eBay / Paypal, so that not just the first line of a sale imports through.

Kashflows API integration with Paypal doesn't work work as well as it could. As an eBay seller we have many orders on eBay with multiple sale lines. Paypal exports all of the sale lines within its API, however Kashflow only takes the first line, meaning that any multiple sale imported from Paypal is missing vital information. As a retailer who has many sales with 10 or more sale lines, we have to manually add all of the extra sale lines that Kashflow hasn't imported, allowing for errors to creep in. This adds at least 1 hour of extra labour for my business every single day completely unnecessarily.
All Kashflow needs to do is just update their API integration. Paypal already includes all of the data needed for Kashflow to fully integrate.
Kashlfows literature suggests that it is fully integrated with Kashflow, when it is not.
    Jan 10, 2017
    Hi Matt, KashFlow now integrates directly with Ebay, please check out the Apps section of KashFlow for further information or visit This integration will allow you to pull through all orders from Ebay to ensure that you have the correct information on your import. Many thanks
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  • Rich Mellor
    Oct 23, 2018

    What if you are not just an ebay seller?  I have not even seen any app to link ebay with KashFlow - only the PayPal import which still spectacularly fails to import anything other than the first line of a purchase and the grand total!