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Product IRIS KashFlow
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Created by Guest
Created on Jan 10, 2017

Ability to change supplier on a PayPal import

I have a PayPal Debit card which is directly linked to my PayPal account, so I can use this to make multiple purchases in stores from my PayPal balance.

When an import takes place into KashFlow these all all imported as purchases to one supplier account - PayPal.

I would like the ability to change the supplier on the import screen so that I didn't have to manually edit each imported item afterwards to allocate it to Post Office, Kall-Kwik, Envelopes-R-Us etc.
    Jan 10, 2017
    Hi Adrian, We have a number of requests to change areas of the paypal import and improve our integration, however the integration itself was built and is maintained by Paypal so we actually have no control over the information and the way that it is brought into the software. In light of the feedback we have got from customers through we are now collating this feedback so that we can go to Paypal and request changes so I will merge this idea with existing suggestions to form part of the feedback.
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