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Product IRIS KashFlow
Categories Partner Apps
Created by Rich Mellor
Created on Nov 26, 2017

Problem with Kashflow PayPal App - Countries

  1. When you use the Kashflow PayPal App to automatically add customers who are not already on the system, the country field is added twice to their contact address for some reason, eg you get:

    Fred Sinclair
    rue d'enjou, 1
  2. There is no change to the layout of the contact address according to country - for example, the above address should strictly be shown on invoices as :

    Fred Sinclair
    rue d'enjou, 1
    23222 Paris
  3. Why does the automated invoice creation still show the country (eg United Kingdom) in the customer's address even though they are in the same country as my business?  I thought I saw an option to hide it in this instance, but cannot find that option now - but I am sure I ticked it!
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