At the moment multiple people can be logged into to the same account at the same time. But it's "all or nothing" We'd like the ability to let people create additional logins with permissions to access just certain areas (ie, Sales invoices - but n...
Allow Description to be edited after transaction included on VAT return
Following the new release this week, Kashflow no longer allows you to edit a transaction which has been included on a previous VAT return. This is great for preventing VAT errors, however I have an invoice which I would like to add more informatio...
Now that Kashflow does not allow you to edit purchase and sales invoices after they have been submitted in a VAT return, it can be difficult to easily locate which nominal code the invoice has been allocated to. Ideally the nominal code should be ...
Allow Limited Companies to use the new Mileage Module
Why is the new mileage module only available for sole traders and partnerships? Most of my sole traders and partnership clients don’t claim mileage, they claim actual costs and add back private usage. In fact its my limited company clients that cl...
in new feature you have removed company name which used to appear on left side. when someone work on different clients in one day it can go in wrong company .on left side now its changed to company details instead of name of company
address problem with Vat cash accounting on re-allocation of payments
I have discovered that if you have allocated a payment to the wrong invoice and then re-allocate it to the correct one, and you are set up for cash accounting, then Kashflow will include the vat in the next vat return (even though the payment has ...
VAT returns need to process deleted invoices properly
When an sales invoice that has already been included on a VAT return is deleted, no reversing entry is made on the next open VAT return, meaning the client is not refunded the VAT that has been incorrectly paid.
Need to either update the system s...
Mileage reclaims for personal vehicles are already covered including the VAT reclaim for the fuel element, however this does not cover the Electric vehicle fuel rate at £0.04 per mile. In future pure electric cars will be the only option and are a...
I have been having some issues with my EC sales list submission. It worked fine in the past but suddenly the VAT submission went fine while the EC sales list was refused with “Authentication Failure. The supplied user credentials failed validation...
When logged in as a Sales user I can see there is access to the ‘Historic Sales & Expenditure’ report. The majority of this report is fine but it shows the ‘BANK TRANSACTIONS’ of which are not appropriate for our sales force to have visibility...