Following the new release this week, Kashflow no longer allows you to edit a transaction which has been included on a previous VAT return. This is great for preventing VAT errors, however I have an invoice which I would like to add more information into the Description box and it now won't let me because its been included on a VAT return.
I would also like to see the sales code after VAT report has been inserted. I don't need to change it, I just need to see it.
this new limitation is driving me insane! its creating so much bulk / extra work. also i cant even view the cost center items are assigned to now - would it not be possible to lock the values but allow us to alter the descriptions and cost centers?
Agree with all comments, also you should be able to change the supplier, ie you may have B&Q as one but inadvertently set up "B and Q" as another (especially if importing from Receipt Bank)
Also agree this is not limited to description, we sometimes need to change project allocations or just or adjust figures between projects without changing the the net or vat values of transaction. VERY frustating not being able to even see nominal codes or project allocation let alone alter them!
I agree with this but not restricted to description. I understand why you would want to lock down the figures but what if you wanted to update the nominal code etc too. Even just to be able to view the code as this is often hidden when the purchase etc has been saved.