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VAT Tab and VAT settings

There should be a VAT tab at the left hand side as a function to view previous submitted returns rather than having to go through VAT settings> Save VAT . It seems rather hidden! 

Also, Kashflow should have a setting whereby the accountants receives the VAT submission acknowledgement whether it has been successful or not rather than the client. 

We cannot change the email address on Kashflow to the accountant address or otherwise the accountant will receive notifications from Kashflow regarding overdue invoices etc. 

  • Guest
  • Nov 8 2017
  • Acknowledged
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    8 Aug, 2019 08:36am

    Agree totally, the acknowledgement should go to the email in the client screen plus the accountant on whose connect menu the company sits, or at least have the ability to click a box (send copy to accountant) or a field to enter an email to copy in on the acknowledgement.

  • Guest commented
    9 Nov, 2017 03:56pm
