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Product IRIS KashFlow
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Created by Gary Newbrook
Created on Oct 12, 2018

Allow Support Staff to pass on customer ideas

Your customer base spends a lot of time using this software and needs a way to fire off ideas at the time of thinking about them.  We tend to think about them when we are struggling with some element of the system.  This typically happens (for us one man bands) when we are in the middle of a large update - VAT, end of year accounts etc - when we notice something that is particularly painful to our workflow and have an idea how to fix.


The process for us to make suggestions is as follows:

  1. Get irritated yet again by a shortcoming in the software or interface
  2. Go to the help system, describe the issue and ask how to solve it
  3. Get told by the support staff that the only way is the long winded route
  4. Realise that there should be a shortcut or a different way of doing things
  5. Make the suggestion in the response to the customer support staff
  6. Get told to come to this Canvass site
  7. Look at Canvass site
  8. Realise we have too much work left to do
  9. Go back to Kashflow and swear at it

An example is the ever irritating batch payment process.  A simple link in the Suppliers' transaction page would take me to the batch payment page, filtered on that supplier - "Simples" as a talkative rodent would say.

I thought " OK, time to raise this as an idea" - could I remember where I needed to go to give the idea?  So I persevere.  Finally I give up and ask via the help system...

Perhaps you could provide a link from within the account itself - so I can go to Help and there would be - "Got an idea?  Tell us here" sort of thing...

Not sure what happens now

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