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Send a copy of reports as they appear on the Kashflow screen rather than as a CSV

When asked to send a copy of a report from Kashflow, the CSV option is very unappealing and requires changes to make it user friendly.

Why can we not save a copy of the report in a pdf format and attach this to an email to send?

This looks far more professional for Clients.

Thanks Amanda
  • Guest
  • Jan 10 2017
  • Released
  • Attach files
  • Natasha Chryssafi commented
    May 31, 2017 09:08


    Great news - we have improved our reports!  Look for 'Balance Sheet - New' in the reports list to see the fresh new format and functionality.  We'll be following with a new Trial Balance, Profit & Loss, Debtors and Creditors in a couple of weeks.

