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change the sort order of products in the drop-down

It would be really useful when creating an invoice if the order of the products could be changed to make scrolling down the list for them easier. I know you can use the search box but it would be very helpful for them to be in sorted alphanumerically (or even in a custom order) instead of them appearing in the order they were entered in the system

  • Guest
  • Jul 1 2020
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  • Jack Kirby commented
    30 Jun, 2023 03:32pm

    YES gets my vote!

    The new layout also means the drop-down is also a fixed size, so impossible to view.

    If you could order them alphabetically or by product code, they could be grouped a little better.

    At the moment, they are ordered by date added, which means they may as well be in a bucket. whilst scrolling through them