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Product IRIS KashFlow
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Created by Guest
Created on Jan 10, 2017

Bring back the drop down list of products there used to be for invoicing

Bring back the drop down list of products when creating invoices. Recent update means you have to put a letter of the product in, but when you have lots of products sometime you can't remember what exactly you named the product, so the drop down list was useful.
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  • Guest
    Oct 13, 2017

    Marius from support is telling me that this is a deliberate feature to BLOCK drop down boxes from working, even if there are only a few products in the category.  However, this problem is showing as being completed!  So who's right?  It's really annoying because this only became a problem for me a couple of weeks ago and I have all my products in groups and rely on the drop down boxes.

  • Guest
    Jan 10, 2017

    Dear Team,
    I wish to advise of an issue within Kashflow that is causing me (and no doubt countless other) a real problem when creating invoices. The way that it changed some time back has been nothing but a complete inconvenience and counterproductive to work efficiency.
    Basically the problem is when producing an invoice I first select a 'Sales Code' as below:

    As you can a drop down list pops up so you can scroll through the options. Perfect.
    Then you need to go in and add a 'Product' and this is where the problem is. There is simply no drop down list of options as below:
    You have to start typing something to find the product, but if you can't recall what all the options are then you are stuck and end up wasting loads of time trying different things to see if you can figure out what it is you are looking for.
    The way round this is to open the 'Settings' in a new tab or Window and go in to 'Sales Codes' and then scan through the options. Then you can go back to the main window and start typing the required wording.
    This is absolutely counterproductive, irritating and illogical - to say the least.
    I have logged this on your portal for suggesting improvements etc. but nothing ever seems to come of it.
    I really don't want to have to put this on there again and I would like to ask that this functionality need to be addressed and make the 'Product' a drop down list with a search function just like 'Sales Code'.
    Please can you update me on what the situation is with this because as I say I am certain that there are an awful lot of others suffering this.
    I look forward to hearing from you.
    Kind regards,
    Mark Sherlow
    Managing Director

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