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Status Released
Product IRIS KashFlow
Categories Invoicing & Quotes
Created by Guest
Created on Nov 30, 2017

Invoices in numerical order when you sort by customer

I would like to be able to produce 1 pdf of a number of invoices for 1 client. When I sort by client on the invoices page the invoices are in a random order making it difficult to select the most recent invoices to turn into a pdf.

eg I have just created November invoices. but when I sort by client some Sept invoices are first then some August then November then October then back to November then October again.

Alternatively enable an option to  print invoices from the "Customers" section on the Invoices, Stats, etc page, where I am able to see all invoices in numerical order.

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  • Guest
    Aug 21, 2018

    I can't see that this is working on the Invoices page- clients invoices are still not in numerical order- so not sure why this idea is in the released section.

    There have been great improvements to the Customers section- thank you- but I can't select a number of invoices to create 1 pdf to email to customers.

    Please please please can you add the tick box which you have on the left of the invoice number on Invoices pages (allowing you to create 1 pdf of lots of invoices) to the customers transaction page..ideally in the same place - to the left of the invoice number. Then I can easily select invoices which are detailed on screen in their numerical order!