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Product IRIS KashFlow
Categories Invoicing & Quotes
Created by Rich Mellor
Created on Feb 3, 2020

Vat and exporting outside the EU

Where a customer is based outside the EU, I do not charge them VAT and have ticked in their profile "is based outside the EU".

However, I came across an issue with your invoice calculations!

I have some items I sell in bundles of 4, with a discount for higher numbers of items

This customer, purchased 10 sets of 4 for £10.84 (without VAT).  However, when I entered that as the total for the line, your system insisted on entering 4p as VAT as it could not work out that each set had been priced at £1.084 (as your system only allows for 2 digits after the decimal point).

OK so you can't handle the third digit - but WHY add the extra 4p as VAT ?

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