The Issue
Currently when adding products under the Purchase or Sales code the price box only allows items to two decimal places. However as we all know VAT etc uses multi decimals especially when items are in larger than single quantities.
Our supplier provides us with a varying discount depending on the item, from 0% to 55%, this produces products that can have multiple decimal point value, when entering an invoice this means I have to manually adjust the VAT or total for every line that has more than one in quantity product.
Box A - costs £1.52, we receive a 39.25% discount which Kashflow interprets the price being £0.92. But the true value when you take the discount off is £0.9234. So if the quantity is any more than 1 unit the decimal point goes above the rounding point for VAT.
So for 90 units of Box A my VAT calculation that Kashflow generates is £0.37 out from the true value. Kashflow believes it to be a total price of £99.36 (VAT £16.56) but the true value is £99.73 (VAT £16.93).
Editing multiple lines to correct this issue is becoming a time consuming and tedious issue.
The Fix?
Change the product page - When you pre-fill the details allow for the price box to have multiple working decimal point values (I can enter this but KF only uses the value to 2DP), or provide an additional box for Discount Value - Discount could then have the option to be a fixed price i.e £0.45p or a percentage 33.33%
Kashflow could then perform a calculation behind the scenes with the quantity figure to work the true value out.
I appreciate every now and again there is going to be the odd case of a rounding issue. But currently its virtually every line on 80% of invoices I am amending.