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Improve the 0% and n/a VAT Report

Some suggestions to improve the vat exempt & zero rated report:

  1. Add the country of the  customer, not just their name (and possibly highlight EU countries?)
  2. Where the customer has a VAT number - even if I charged them VAT, I see a line in this report which says: "(date)  (invoice number) (customer name) VAT Number: (number) N/A £0.00"

    This is meaningless and should not be included in the report surely!
  • Rich Mellor
  • Aug 10 2019
  • Acknowledged
  • Attach files
  • Rich Mellor commented
    14 Aug, 2019 09:14am

    Another improvement - having changed the VAT Reconciliation Start Date to when I first registered for VAT (1st August) - should this report default to that start date -the default is "this quarter" which includes invoices BEFORE I was VAT registered!