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Notifications sent to you when customers have seen their invoices.

A friend uses another bookkeeping system whereby when an invoice has been sent they receive a notification when the customer has opened said invoice. Can a system be put into place with Kashflow?

  • Guest
  • Jan 20 2020
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  • Amanda commented
    8 Jun, 2020 03:32pm

    This is getting more needed. I am fed up with chasing clients for payment who claim they have never received the invoices in the first place!

  • Amanda commented
    20 Jan, 2020 10:18pm

    I feel that something needs tone done, there have been a couple of similar requests.  I personally am having lots of issues where customers are claiming they never receive the invoices.  this is resulting in me having to constantly chase people for payment.  This is very time consuming.  I am having to send the invoices several times, send them out of the system, copy myself into the emails to prove i have sent them and several statement chase ups.  


    The only proof I have is that i have sent them and not that they have been received at the other end.

    Please could something be done.