On the Invoices screen allow selection of a invoices for a specific customer.
When raising invoices I often need to refer to earlier invoices from the customer to check prices , what invoice relates to etc to insure that the latest invoice is correct.. I also use this information to check the item is not being double invoiced due to staff incorrectly updating the supporting documents and processes to produce an invoice.
Whilst I could get this info from the customer transaction screen I am not interested in payments received just the invoices and contents.
I would like to be able to select all of the customers invoices in descending invoice order to pick up previous invoices to quickly view, ideally would like to be able to select a number and scroll through the contents.
In addition On occasion I need to be able to select a particular customer then search for a particular string . for example I know that they purchased a printer during 2018 but do not know which invoice it was on. I could do this with Sage using the selection criteria but have been unable to find a similar feature in KashFlow.