It often happens that you sent an invoice and wait for it to be paid until payment is due, then you pick up a phone to find out that person has never seen the email. It could be lost within his/her hundreds of emails per day and he/she didn't notice or it went to SPAM for some reason, or even worst the email invoice was sent is wrong and we keep sending bills to none existing address. Therefore it would be great to know whether we could track an email deliverability.
For Example, once invoice is emailed it will have different statuses:
- Viewed
- Not viewed
- Links followed (list followed links)
- Bounced
The link in admin's comment is not working
This really needs reconsideration. Too many times email does not function as expected, and invoices are not paid on time as a result
I agree, you can track when an embedded image with <src=url?clientID=cookie> in the email is accessed by the client the server can record the cookie details of the clientID, this is standard practice in many email sending services. It will not track emails opened in a text only email client.
it is also possible to check the email address is a valid, not a catchall email address and reduce the chances of bounce using a service such as so bad email addresses can be caught as you enter them.
This is a great idea, I had this in an alternative software that I used to use and it worked really well, especially if you send an invoice prior to delivery, whilst you can check if the invoice has been paid before you deliver this does not help if you have allocated a delivery slot, this throws out delivery schedules.
Unfortunately there are some customers that will say they have not received an invoice to get extra time to pay after you have delivered the goods, this puts the onus back onto the seller to chase the payment which can get time consuming.
So this aids cash flow, firms up delivery schedules and saves you time!
The previous software that I used had a sent icon next to the invoice on the list of invoices, in Red that turned Green when the email had been opened and gave a time and date when it was read, this meant that you could instantly see when an invoice had been received and opened and if necessary quote this to the customer.
The software was Lawnpro
Hope this helps!
Hi Ivan
This is a great idea, however we can't currently track whether an email has been read or not by the recipient. We can tell whether the email has been delivered to the recipient but that's as far as the knowledge goes. It's a great suggestion though, thanks!
Product Manager