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Product IRIS KashFlow
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Created by Guest
Created on Jan 10, 2017

fix the New Version's major flaw in creating invoices

when creating an invoice once you choose a sales code you can't see a drop down of all the products attached to that sales code. You have to type in the starting letter to see just the products attached to that sales code that start with that letter. You can never see all the products attached to the sales code to be sure you have picked the right one. This makes creating an invoice very slow, prone to errors, and frustrating - to such an extent that we have gone back to the old version.
    Jan 10, 2017
    Hi Tom, Thanks for your feedback. A search engine within the invoice creation screen was one of our most requested features, this along with an increased performance output was the reason that we chose to implement this change in the app. I'm sorry to hear that it hasn't gone down well with yourself and those who have voted on this subject. We do continue to support the old interface and should you wish to have this functionality I would continue to use that. The search engine function within the new UI was brought in to speed up the invoicing screen as there is now no need to load multiple pieces of data involved when viewing all products within a particular sales code. The drop down search option within now gives much more speed in that area. KashFlow is changing the way we interact with customers, we will be launching a brand new interactive customer forum this Spring, featuring discussions, events and real time feature updates. All existing requests will be recognised within the new forum, please keep it coming! KashFlow Product Team
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