Hi after some emails between support and me hereby my idea.
I use bank accounts in Holland, Seychelles and Cyprus (ssssssht)
They have one thing in common and that is that bank statements are in csv or MT940 format
I started a test account with u guys as u have a cool idea and lots of plugins, so i wanted to upload a bank statement which i downloaded from my bank but the csv has fields which your template cant handle and the mt940 format is not posible as well.
So i started reading about your banking statements importing stuff and it seems to me that it can be solved at least for a while fairly easy.
As the current template does not fit my needs i suppose it happens more, the suggestion to open it in excel and edit 200 transactions to fit your system is not what one would expect from a software developer
MT940 is offered by many banks, so if there was a template for that kind of file one would have to edit it to a banks format, but there are 20 banks or perhaps 40, so thats quick work. This would enable us and perhaps more people to upload a real bank statement instead of that weird thing u offer. It will include everything the bank puts in the file instead of what your template accepts.
The proccess is easy then, download from bank, upload to kashflow and then reconsile it if not automaticly done ))
Even if u automate downloading from bank accounts later, someuser might not want to give any external service login details from their bank, so your CEO can rest assured!
Also there is no need to set e default bank account i u use more then one as the bank account can be read from the file itself
As an expat, you could be living in a country for many years without being familiar with subway surfers the local banking system. Therefore, it is quordle important to understand the local banking system and know how to import bank statements in order to keep track of your finances.
Hi, if you are interested find attached an Excel Macro that will sort downloaded bank statements into the correct format as direct bank feed is currently disabled.
It removes common problems (2 digit years, commas, full stops, blank lines, etc..) and has been used by a few of our clients.
You set it up once (see the full guide) and save the settings. From then on, you simply point the downloaded CSV file and it will create a file in the correct format.
I'm aware using a macro from an unknown source is not always advisable, so the macro code is not protected. if you wish to inspect first, do not enable the macro & activate the 'Developer' tab in Excel. From there you can click on 'View Code' and you can see it is simply formatting commands with a bit of extra logic.
It will work in all versions of Excel except Office 365 online as it does not run Excel VBA macros (Office 365 desktop works). If you do not have Excel, a free office package like 'Open Office' is supposed to run Excel macros.