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Product IRIS KashFlow
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Created by Guest
Created on Jan 10, 2017

Ability to match bank transactions imported via CSV

Since our bank account does not work with Bank Feeds, we are restricted to importing bank statements via CSV. This means that we cannot match bank transactions to manually entered payments. Instead we have to delete either the imported item or the manual item in order to reconcile.

It would good to be able to 'match' them off, OR have some way of marking an invoice as 'paid' without having a payment transaction, so that we can import the payment at month end.
    Jan 10, 2017
    Hi Russ, You can currently mark invoices as paid within the actual invoice itself without a transaction to be matched to it. If you have multiple invoices to be marked as paid you can also use bulk payments. As far as automatically matching transactions imported via CSV, the functionality within Bank Feeds was built for that service specifically in partnership with Yodlee so unfortunately we will not be able to replicate this in another area of the app.
  • Attach files
  • G B
    Sep 19, 2019

    Agreed, your nominal ledger ends up with just cheque numbers with no details as clients do not change the detail after the import is done (the only option to add detail).  The alternative is to use a CSV and adjust it in Excel before import.


    I wrote an Excel Macro that will sort downloaded bank statements into the correct format, which I can then add detail before uploading.


    It removes common problems (2 digit years, commas, full stops, blank lines, etc..) and has been used by a few of our clients.

    You set it up once (see the full guide) and save the settings.  From then on, you simply point the downloaded CSV file and it will create a file in the correct format.


    I'm aware using a macro from an unknown source is not always advisable, so the macro code is not protected.  if you wish to inspect first, do not enable the macro & activate the 'Developer' tab in Excel.  From there you can click on 'View Code' and you can see it is simply formatting commands with a bit of extra logic.


    It will work in all versions of Excel except Office 365 online as it does not run Excel VBA macros (Office 365 desktop works).  If you do not have Excel, a free office package like 'Open Office' is supposed to run Excel macros.




  • Guest
    Jan 10, 2017

    Surely this is possible outside of bank feeds as other online accounting solutions have it.

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