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Product IRIS KashFlow
Categories Bank
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 4, 2019

Being to match "advanced payments" from bank transactions to sales and purchase invoices

Currently, any transactions posted from the bank to either the sales or purchase ledger can not be matched against a relevant invoice even though they have been correctly allocated against the customer or supplier. To match the payments to the invoices, the payment must be deleted and then re-entered through the ledger which is timely and requires previous bank reconciliations to be re-opened.


For those of us who record and reconcile the bank on behalf of our clients who are recording invoices and some payments only, we would like to be able to match bank payments (which the system refers to as advance payments) against the invoice they relate to. This could be done retrospectively with a tick to match system in each individual ledger, or at initial point of entry when recording the bank transaction (if the details are known and the invoice already entered).


This would allow the user to record and reconcile the bank first and then match off invoices to payments in the ledgers.

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