VAT detailed report to show what was actually submitted to HMRC for that particular VAT Return
It would be very useful if the VAT detailed Reports actually showed the figures that were submitted to HMRC for that particular VAT Return period.
Since the last update it has become apparent that the total figures for the boxes on the VAT detail...
Bank - add transaction - comment field memory so you don't have to key in each transaction as many recurr
Comment field memory so you don't have to key in each transaction detail as many are recurring - in fact I'm sure it used to have the functionality....
Option to discount individual line items on one invoice
We offer different levels of discounts on different products depending on terms with individual suppliers. It would be useful to offer product discounts as well as customer discounts. This is particularly important when supplying against a tender ...
Ken Callaghan
about 8 years ago
in IRIS KashFlow
On the Dashboard financial overview, CIS is not included in the 'money you owe' line or anywhere on the summary page. This would be useful to see as part of the overview as it forms part of money owing.Even if only as a separate line, like VAT.
Ability to split bank payments from bank feed to partly pay multiple customer invoices
I am using the bank feed to load my bank transactions.As I am in property rental some of my tenants rent is paid by Housing Benefit every 4 weeks. If I invoice for £100 per week every week and HB only pay £360 to cover 4 weeks rent at £90 per week...
allowing bank feed transactions to be assigned to projects, especially with Rules
Projects are very helpful in Kashflow, but if the bank feed is the driver that creates new P&L & BS transactions then it's difficult to find them and assign them to projects. When creating new invoices & purchases using the bank feed, ...