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Product IRIS KashFlow
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Created by Guest
Created on Jan 10, 2017

CIS liability to the Dashboard

On the Dashboard financial overview, CIS is not included in the 'money you owe' line or anywhere on the summary page. This would be useful to see as part of the overview as it forms part of money owing.
Even if only as a separate line, like VAT.
    Dec 3, 2018
    Thank you for your feedback. We can look at adding a new line onto the dashboard, this would depend upon the support for the idea as it would mean it being present on all users interface. If there is plenty of demand for such a feature we can look to implement it
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  • Guest
    May 1, 2020

    Over 3 yeas on and this still isn't an option? Come on Kashflow, this is an easy one. We have just switched to a new VAT quarter and the previous quarter liability just disappears from the summary. You have a 'mark as paid' option on previous returns. Surely its easy to link this to the 'money you owe'.

  • Martin Ross
    Jul 1, 2019

    Why not only display it only if it isn't 0?

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