The dashboard shows the VAT Liability for VAT not included in a VAT return. It does not show the VAT actually owed to the tax man (creditor) from the last return, that is the figure in the VAT Control account. The same applies to the Tax/NI Control account.
It means that the current position shown in the can be very inaccurate and has no meaning.
It would be good to have an over view of what is actually owed to the tax man from filed returns with out having to look at the nominal reports.
I have up-voted the CIS liability suggestion as even though it does not affect me it is a similar request.
In order for the dash board to be useful I need to see what I owe and what is owed to me and it simply doesn't do that currently.
I would have thought it would be clearer to have it like this (curly brackets optional bits): -
Bank Accounts
+ money owed by customers
{+ VAT refund due ([period])}
- money owed to suppliers
{- VAT liability ([period 1])}
{- VAT liability ([period 2])}
= Total
Overdue Invoices
Overdue Purchases
I concur. I would also like to be able to show the Corporation Tax owing so that a more accurate figure of true liabilities is showing in the dashboard.
The dashboard information is misleading to those who don't understand what is, and more importantly what is not included.