Due to the sensitivity of data stored within Kashflow, it would be great to incorporate two factor authentication support such as Yubikey or Google authenticator.
Where a client is registered for flat rate VAT, rather than provide a standard TB, provide one that actually gives the figures that go into the accounts without having to jump through hoops to derive gross turnover etc.
My issue relates to bank feed transactions that need to be allocated to a customer account WITHOUT creating a sales invoice. A lot of my clients pay me by standing order so they get posted to their account as received as “advance payments on accou...
payments from Iris Pay should not take 3-5 days to get to me. I can accept payments over my website, which are handled by PayPal and I can get those in my account the same day
When adding a new supplier or editing an existing supplier, the option to select their VAT rate is set on 20% , not all suppliers are VAT qualifying and then you must manually set the vat rate to 0% or what ever rate when you add an invoice. An op...
In the Customer Section, arranged alphabetically, it would help if the 'Page 1/2/3' etc'. function for searching out other customers beginning with the same letter, was also at the top of the page as well as the bottom of the page.
If we have a l...
I appreciate Kashflow stock control isn't the best, but to show the stock valuation in the stock report based on the sales price of the stock is incorrect. Can it please be changed to use the purchase price. The method currently employed just infl...
VAT Return - Marking a return as paid Function Improvement
When marking a VAT return as "Paid", Kashflow should prompt to create a bank transaction like the process in "Sales Invoices" and "Purchase Invoices". The comment field should make reference to the VAT period. This removes the requirement to creat...
Change the VAT reports back to how they used to be - new ones are rubbish
The VAT detail report no longer shows the net amounts next to the VAT amounts for boxes 1 & 4... after downloading the detail to review the calc & ensure kashflow is correct - which it isn't always I would like to point out... - I can't ev...