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Product IRIS KashFlow
Categories Bank
Created by Paul Connon
Created on Sep 3, 2024

Allow direct posting to customer from bank feed

My issue relates to bank feed transactions that need to be allocated to a customer account WITHOUT creating a sales invoice. A lot of my clients pay me by standing order so they get posted to their account as received as “advance payments on account”. The sales invoice is created some time later and I apply the payments on account to the invoice.

This process was quite straightforward before the latest update. Now, when I go to match and choose “bank transaction” the Debtors Control Account comes up by default but there is no dropdown to choose the customer it relates to, which you could do before. I think it is this part that needs correcting.

Please can you escalate this issue to a development manager and come back to me with a reason why I can no longer allocate a bank receipts (from a bank feed) directly to a customer’s account.

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