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Product IRIS KashFlow
Categories Uncategorised
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 10, 2017

Speed up the posting of income from bank

I have a lot of customers paying monthly on account, my old software allowed me to directly match bank payments from the bank page to the outstanding invoices on the customer (selecting the oldest outstanding first from the list), in Kaskflow I have to do a two stage process firstly assigning the receipt to the customer account then going into each account and assigning this to the invoices, this is very time consuming. Could you look at allowing on the bank import once a customer is selected a list of the outstanding invoices to come up so receipts can be quickly assigned there?
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  • Natasha Chryssafi
    Feb 6, 2017

    Hi Julie.

    I believe there's already an existing solution for the problem you mention here.  I've asked a member of our Support Team to contact you to go through the details.

