Add option to carry over attachments from a Quote once converted into an Invoice
KashFlow behaviour at the moment is that any files attached to a quote are removed once it is converted to an invoice. I think it would make more sense were there an option for attachments to carry over and remain attached to the resulting invoice...
PDF Invoice Theme and support for a Customs acceptable Commercial Invoice
With leaving the EU, Customs clearance invoices (Commercial Invoices) will become more prevalent if exporting. Currently Kashflow cannot produce Commercial Invoices. The additional information required is not part of a standard data set, and alway...
seperate settings for adding a logo to emails vs. printed invoices,
we print invoices on headed paper but want all emailed invoices to contain a logo.
The system only allows for one preference for logo but both options for background image. This looks to be an oversight.
As for the moment there is no option to personalise Statements at all, I would like to have an option to have the company bank details included on the statements.
Unfortunately, the current automatic invoicing system is weak. While I am proficient in generating monthly invoices, the lack of auto-population for date and information fields is proving to be inefficient. Additionally, I have encountered issues ...
Having signed up (reluctantly) to IOSS non-union scheme for IOSS reporting, we have to report each month on sales to each EU country and VAT collected on behalf of that country. There need to be additional reports added to Kashflow to help with th...
Please can you add another column in the search facility? Please can you add the 'Invoice Reference' to the found searches - just instead of date, invoice number and customer - would make it a million times easier when searching for an invoice or ...