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seperate settings for adding a logo to emails vs. printed invoices,

we print invoices on headed paper but want all emailed invoices to contain a logo.

The system only allows for one preference for logo but both options for background image. This looks to be an oversight.

  • Guest
  • Nov 14 2017
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  • Guest commented
    11 Jan, 2018 12:07pm

    I was very pleased to see you you had been working on the problem,
    unfortunately this has not resolved the issue.
    When I print documents I do so on letter headed paper so do not want the
    image printed, when I email I want the image and address included.
    In the same way that there are background option for printed or emailed can
    you put in tick boxes allowing us to select image/ address included on
    email and a separate box for printing.
    I can now do both but only by changing the settings each time.
