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PDF Themes Enhancement

More control over design of Invoice/Quote PDFs and the ability to have different designs for different customers
  • Guest
  • Jan 10 2017
  • Started
  • Jan 10, 2017

    Admin response

    We are currently working on a setup wizard that in its final phases will include a much improved PDF design wizard. In the meantime, please see our discussions page where users have been encouraged to share their best designs with other users to really get the very best out of our PDF theme design tool
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  • Neil McD commented
    January 18, 2022 10:41


    In Jan 2017 admin said this was in final phase of development. That was 5 years ago, is this still on the agenda to be actioned or should I stop holding my breath.


  • Ben commented
    November 24, 2021 17:11

    The ability to have an invoice showing a line total including VAT - some customers are not business minded and require a receipt/invoice to look like one from a ePOS till.

    All it needs is an extra column option to add the Net Total and VAT together and output it at the end of the row

  • Admin
    Masih Ahmed commented
    September 03, 2021 11:55

    Users are able to update the HTML and CSS of PDF Themes. Click on this Knowledge Base to find out how

  • Neil McD commented
    February 09, 2021 12:16

    Does anything ever get implemented? Admins response was 2017!

  • Guest commented
    January 10, 2017 09:11

    Yes it is not a top priority but elegance is always needed

  • Guest commented
    January 10, 2017 09:11

    Looking forward to this as I have no idea how to write in HTML/CSS.

    Also, can't seem to find the discussion page you mention!

  • Guest commented
    January 10, 2017 09:11

    Hi Chrissy,

    The discussion page is under 'Customer Forum', there should be a link on the right hand side of the screen for you, alternatively if you go back to the home page at you can then scroll down to the customer forum link.



  • Guest commented
    January 10, 2017 09:11

    Ability to increase font size especially have the invoice number and payment terms a lot bigger would be much appreciated. Plus more control over positioning of address, VAT number etc.

  • Guest commented
    January 10, 2017 09:11

    I would like to be able to add high resolution logo image in say a vector format to my paperwork, so that it looks the same quality as the text.

  • Guest commented
    January 10, 2017 09:11

    What I'd like to do is load up my existing PDF headed paper (with logos etc.). Bitmap logos can be made to work, just, but often have poor looking edges. Fonts often don't come out the same as on the PDF (especially if it has embedded fonts), and getting everything placed right is a complete pain. The ability to just render onto a user-supplied PDF would be awesome. Tools like pdftk demonstrate this is possible.

  • Guest commented
    January 10, 2017 09:11

    We would love to be able to add small images into a quote. We make custom furniture and small technical diagrams being included inside the quote would be a huge help.

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