Its inconsistent to have net VAT figures on invoices and Gross VAT figures on the on screen version. If you are cross checking its not consistent. Can you have Net prices on the screen version of an invoice?
When I press enter on an email template, KashFlow creates a new paragraph rather than inserting a break. Also, KashFlow removes tags outside of paragraphs. Can you please alter this? Thanks!
Dropbox integration doesn't work for multiple Kashflow accounts
If you buy a Kashflow account for more than one business, Dropbox integration doesn't work. The only workaround is to have two Dropbox accounts, which is inconvenient and not supported by Dropbox unless you sign up for a Business Account. Kashflow...
Set-up Go Cardless Direct Debit BEFORE customer is added to Kashflow
Currently we have to add the customer in Kashflow before we can send them a request to set-up a Direct Debit via Go Cardless. It would be much much better if we could just send them the link to set-up a Direct Debit within the Kashflow app and the...
Repeat purchases - set different payment date and invoice date
We have a number of regular suppliers who bill us monthly (e.g. accountant, telecoms, ISP etc.). Their invoices are set up as repeats in Kashflow. However, payment is taken on a different day (mostly about two weeks after invoice date). As a separ...
A project number field to the rapidfile batch entry screen. Without it, if you are using projects then rapid file cannot be used at all
Rapidfire bookkeeping is great, and useful if you have large amounts of transaction to input - however, if you you are using projects, then you cant use rapid fire at all, which seems a huge waste to me
about 8 years ago
in IRIS KashFlow
Allow customers to feedback by email, stop forcing us to use Canvass
The Canvass system is terrible. It's almost impossible to tell whether or not an idea has already been submitted by someone else, is time consuming, doesn't allow us to easily add screenshots etc. A good support / development / technical team will...