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Adding ability to add pay rate to payslip if using role facility on Payroll

Currently unable to show pay rate on payslips as we have entered a role i.e Receptionist for each member of staff this generates a Salary rather than hourly rate and therefore the rate of pay does not show on pay slip.  Need to use the staff role so that can calculate cost of individual staff groups and helps the accountants at the end of the year.  Please alter so that pay rate can be shown when using staff roles

  • Christine Anderson
  • Sep 11 2019
  • Acknowledged
  • Oct 21, 2019

    Admin response

    Hi Christine.
    Thanks for your suggestion - as you say although you do enter regular hours and rate the payslip itself shows a salary with no rate for those contracted employees. I will raise this with the review board and update you on progress.

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