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Created by Paul Roycroft
Created on Jan 8, 2018

Payroll payslips which can be split into sections to reflect work done for separate customers

I run an agency business where clients are able to audit payroll - as I have multiple clients it would be useful to be able to split the payroll slip into work done for individual clients.

    Dec 31, 2019

    Hi Paul.
    Thanks for your idea. It is currently possible to add multiple payslip elements, which could represent your different clients.
    However, I believe your idea also implies reporting to let you better see what costs can be attributed to specific clients. This is something we do still need to look at and is programmed for review.

  • Attach files

Include a Table of Labour Rates against Different Customers

I run a nursing agency where I have different staff labour rates depending on the end customer I am supplying and the type of shifts . It would be useful to be able to define the end customer and associated labour rates for individual shifts - sim...
Paul Roycroft over 6 years ago in KashFlow Payroll 0