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Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit KFP-I-24 Answer calls rather than try and solve them through email.

Provide better and quicker support Merged

As a sole trader with a number of employees time is important. When something does not work on payroll it is often imperitive to be able to sort it the same day so that the payroll can proceed.. The Help pages do not answer many of the issues and much time is wasted looking through them to no avail. It is nearly impossible to talk to someone and the support takes over a week for any action which is often useless

  • Guest
  • Jul 9 2020
  • Acknowledged
  • Leanne Oxley-Hold commented
    3 Sep, 2020 01:00pm

    Good afternoon,

    Thank You for your suggestion.
    I have put it forward for further review and will keep you up to date on progress.

