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Product IRIS KashFlow
Categories Bank
Created by Paul Jansen
Created on Sep 9, 2024

Fix the broken Bank Reconciliation resulting from the new UI implementation

The new UI for bank reconciliation had resulted in the process taking twice as long as under the old UI

The old UI would automatically save the items markd as reconcilled so I could return later and continue.

The new UI requires I manually save which takes me out of the reconciliation to the list and I must click to resume the reconciliation. At the very least there should be an option to save and continue, rather than the currect save and exit

The old UI had the checkbox on the right close the the amounts which are the easiest data item to compare to a paper statement.

The new UI has th checkbox on the far left which means it is much harder to be sure I am slecting the correct item when I move my focus from the numbers on the right to the checkbox on the left.

The old Ui would change the background colour of the whole row of the selected items which made it visually easier to identify which itemds remained to be reconclied.

The new UI only haas the checkbox which is visually harder to process.

I have compared the old and the new UIs and the new UI takes twice as long to perform a reconciliation.

In my opinion, these changes are ill thought out and have not been adequately user tested. This makes me extremely ANGRY and FRUSTRATED as once again I see the price going up and the product getting worse.

This is yet another issue that could easily be avoided in the first place and fixed now by including a few users in the development/testing processes.

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