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BUGFIX (URGENT) - Correct VAT options for Customer Profiles

Following the recent changes in readiness for Brexit, I see that my customers now have the following profile options:

  • VAT Registered in the UK

  • VAT Registered in the EU

  • Based outside of the EU

  • VAT registered in an EC Member State and I (the KashFlow user) am based in Northern Ireland

Unfortunately, I am based in the UK and therefore there are various options missing here:

- non-VAT registered customer in the UK
- non-VAT registered Business in the EU
- non-VAT registered Consumer in the EU

All of my customers have defaulted to VAT Registered in the UK which is incorrect.

This needs to be address ready for Brexit

  • Rich Mellor
  • Dec 29 2020
  • New
  • Attach files
  • Rich Mellor commented
    May 14, 2021 06:22

    KASHFLOW - you may not have noticed, but the UK left the EU on 1st January (4 months ago).

    However, you still insist on adding UK VAT on all transactions to EU customers.

    Why has this not been resolved - it is crazy that every invoice I have to check (a) that my customer has been marked as VAT Registered / Based in the EU (you have all of the countries from registration) and then (b) change every line on an invoice to ensure that I have not added UK VAT by mistake!

  • Rich Mellor commented
    February 19, 2021 11:23

    I see these options have been updated in the profile section (though not automatically set for existing customers!) so that they now say "VAT Registered / Based in the EU" etc

    HOWEVER, the rate of VAT is still defaulting to the UK VAT rate for these customers which can lead to incorrect VAT returns, as EU customers now get 0% VAT - the same as non-EU overseas customers...


  • Debbie Walsh commented
    January 29, 2021 14:21

    We also need a facility to correct the options that have been defaulted incorrectly following the recent changes. All our customers have UK set as their country address. All were set to VAT registered in UK. - we are based on ROI so Ireland and VAT registered in EU would have been a better default setting. We cannot individually amend hundreds of customers

  • Guest commented
    January 12, 2021 11:22

    We get customers from the EU but the system should mark these at zero VAT. I believe its very simple to do - why hasn't it been implemented?

  • Rich Mellor commented
    January 09, 2021 20:53

    Even worse is that there is no option to mark a customer as "outside the UK" so customers in the EU still default to 20% VAT.

    This has really not been thought out - they seem to have concentrated on adding sales via Northern Ireland without considering the impact on sales to the EU (or purchases from the EU).