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Order of entries in Box 1/6 and Box 4/7 on Detailed VAT Reports since Brexit Update no longer correspond

The .csv download of the detailed VAT report was a very useful tool for checking the VAT figures before submission. However, since the Brexit update this has become useless as the running order of the entries on Box 1 does not correspond to that of Box 6 and the same for Box 4 and 7. Please sort this out ASAP.

  • Paul Stewart
  • Feb 26 2021
  • Released
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Jacqui Heyes commented
    September 10, 2021 13:26

    Good afternoon and my apologies for this issue you faced in February. This was fixed within a release earlier in the year and as soon as we were notified of it. If you have any further issues with this then please do let our Support Team know on My apologies for this once again.