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Ability to view log on details of Kashflow Account - Security Issue

I have been told by support that it is not possible to view log on/transaction/log out details of access to your Kashflow account.
I feel this is extremely necessary from a security point of view. As an Admin User I should be able to log in my Kashflow Account & see the transaction logs of anyone who has logged into my account, see what they accessed and when they logged out. 

For example, what if you had a disgruntled employee or external accountant who accessed your accounting and made changes to various details, there is no way at the moment that you can check to see what has been happening. Support can send details of when users were logged in but they can't say what areas they accessed, when they logged out or even if someone else opened your account and viewed/amended it (in the case of external accountants). 

I feel that this is alson necessary from a timesheet point f view as well, if you're paying someone to do Kashflow accounting, you should be able to log in & see when they were logged in, what they worked on & when they logged out. 

  • Guest
  • Oct 22 2018
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  • james brent commented
    October 22, 2018 22:11

    been asking this forever !! this is sooo important i just cannot believe how this is missed