Currently Kashflow doesn't have the ability to reflect those that produce their accounts on a Cash Basis. The reports are all tailored to traditional accounting, as is the VAT warning message that comes up when your turnover is approaching the VAT registration threshold. It would be great to be able to select a Cash Basis Accounting (as you can under the VAT settings) and have Kashflow produce figures/reports etc in lin with this.
This remains an issue and may have severe impact on the forthcoming changes to the basis calculation from 2023/2024 if you need to extend your accounting period.
I recently realised my accounts for 2022/2023 include an unpaid invoice of over £7,000 which artificially inflated my tax figures for that year.
This should be standard in accounting software and other products already provide this. I will seriously have to consider switching software if this isn’t introduced into Kashflow.