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Hi, Is there any chance of adding 'Next' and 'Previous' Buttons when viewing an invoice. We used to have this button at the bottom on the old Kashflow (as highlighted in red in the attachment). It helps browsing through invoices per customer and view them before e-mailing them. Many Thanks,
I can only see the next and previous button is moving on to the next or previous customer. What we wanted to be able to do was to view the next or previous invoice of one customer at a time. Some customers may have 50 plus invoices that we need to be able to scroll through to find a particular invoice, at the moment we have to close the invoice down and open another invoice and so on rather than just scroll through all of the customers invoices.
Glenn Jex
Office 01303 844319 fax 01303 844666
Web site
Hi, Good news this functionality was released today. Login to KashFlow to see the new enhancements to the invoice screen