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Product IRIS KashFlow
Categories Purchases
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 7, 2019

"Line item" on invoices when opening

When you're next making amendments to how Kashflow works would it be possible to incorporate the two following suggestions ? It would save a tiny amount of time on every invoice entry, adding up to a useful difference:
1) Could each invoice (sales & purchases) have the first "Line item" already in place and ready to use ? It seems a waste of time having to "Add line item" for every invoice, when you wouldn't need an invoice at all if you didn't have an item to add. It's an essential item and, therefore, would be much quicker if every invoice had the first line ready to fill in.

2) Would it then be possible, assuming you made the above change, to be able to just tab from the "Supplier Reference" field to the first line ? This, again, would be quicker than having to use the mouse to click in to the line.

  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Masih Ahmed
    Jun 20, 2023

    First point has been released on the new Invoice screens - to enable new screens select 'New Design' from the Dashboard

  • Guest
    May 8, 2019

    Please can you hurry up with this ?  It's such a waste of time, having to jump from mouse to keyboard and back, then having to click on "+ Line Item"