Somebody needs to view this new design from an ergonomic point of view
The layout of the screen if flipping HUGE.... While I do wear glasses, I don't need everything to be so big... PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE provide a way for us to change the size of the fonts - the theme if you like - without having to resort to changi...
Gary Newbrook
about 2 hours ago
in IRIS KashFlow
I find the new design very poorly thought through. For instance, I wasted time again on the Invoices when scanning through for something. there is a scroll bar inside a scroll bar... What I mean by this is that the whole page has a scroll bar on t...
From time to time it is necessary to add extra information to an individual email (Invoice or Statement) however one cannot recall the information, once it has been sent. A tick box to automatically add the extra detail to Notes would save me havi...
Display separate billing and delivery addresses on invoices
Professional looking invoices and packing slips should be a high priority for any business, the current method involves some coding which isn't ideal for many users and ultimately still has issues which Kashflow support have been unable to resolve...
Allow customers to "login" and see their invoices/statements/payments as a "self service" - they can login and see their outstanding invoices (with payment links), download historic invoices, and see statements etc...
enable transaction category searching of bank accounts
It would be useful if on the bank account transactions listing, you could sort by category (e.g. bank charges) within a date range. There is a workaround - running a P&L report shows the categories, and the total is 'clickable', so this brings...