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Product IRIS KashFlow
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Created by Mark Allen
Created on Jan 10, 2017

GoCardless: Link Customers to Existing Mandates

If a client already has a mandate setup in GoCardless, there is currently no way to link that to the client record in Kashflow, so taking payments needs to be done outside of raising the invoice in Kashflow.

Speaking with support, there are only two ways round this.

1. Create a new mandate.
2. Create a new mandate, but tell the client to ignore the email and contact support to then make the link.

At best, these options are unnecessary and would cause confusion for clients. At worst it damages trust - Trying to set something up on their bank account that already exists with call telling them to ignore the email about it is likely to raise suspicion.

There should be the facility to link clients to existing mandates in GoCardless. Either through a manual drop-down list, or perhaps an automatic match of the Kashflow client code and a GoCardless custom meta field.
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  • Guest
    Jan 22, 2024

    I have just added the same comment. This is particularly relevant as IRIS have just added their own Direct Debits. If it is too difficult to move the existing ones from Go Cardless we wont do it. It took me enough time to get my customers signed up in the first place.

  • +2