Hi Erdal,
This is something that we are currently looking at in our roadmap. We have had a number of requests to add additional decimal places into KashFlow and are aware of the need for such functionality. Adding this into each area of the app is a very big job and involves alot of development work, but we are definitely looking at implementing this.
I just recommended Kashflow and helped set up a trial only to discover that it is not possible to enter prices for invoicing to 3 decimal places. The products sold are priced individually at typically £0.195 even though sold in minimum quantities of 100.
Sadly this is a customer lost to KashFlow
This is also seen when trying to create a product with price (incl.VAT) of 100 EUR and the VAT rate is 24%. The price without VAT should be 80.64516129 so that the price with VAT would be calculated correctly in the invoice. Right now it rounds the amount in some step and the line item result is 100.01 EUR. We need to each time manually change the price before sending the invoice.
I also need to see this feature we deal with high volume low value items that have a unit price in three decimal places.