Apart from many useful reports that you can run from Kashflow, it is possible to design and run your own bespoke reports to save time and productivity?
Missing functionality from Kashflow. There is no option to download a report based on invoices issued between a set date in CSV format. All other bookkeeping software is able to do this. Report should be downloadable directly from invoicing screen...
There should be an alert or notification on the dashboard showing when the next VAT submission is due or an email alert when the submission date is close. HMRC stopped sending email alerts once they launched Making Tax Digital leaving this to the ...
Add the VAT rate to the UK VAT report as occassionally invoices are included in error.
As VAT MOSS invoices have various rates from 19% to 25%, occassionally the invoice settings are incorrect and the invoice gets included in the UK VAT report in error. Having the VAT rate shown in the report for Box 1 would easily show these errors...
I would like to be able to summarise ALL unpaid invoices for ALL customers but then filter this so that at month end I can export / print a report for ONLY the invoices I need to pay for the current period. Currently I can see ALL Unpaid invoices ...
We are KashFlow user from the Northern Ireland, and as of July 2021 EU extended One Stop Shop which was related to Digital services to the sales of goods. As a result we have to charge our European customers ( consumers) VAT rate that is applicabl...
profit and loss report to show months in separate columns
It would be great to be able to generate a P&L report and see the last 12 months with each month in a separate column. At the moment we have to export each month separately to excel for comparison.
Average time it takes customers to pay invoices report
I would like to see how long our debtors are taking to pay us per individual customer
This used to be a feature on the old kashflow - you could look at a customer history of payments and kf gave you the average time it takes the customer to pay
Allow manager accounts to see 12 month sales growth chart on dashboard
Only standard accounts can access the 12-month sales growth chart on their dashboards and manager accounts cannot. I would be beneficial for manager accounts to also have this so we can see the currently monthly sales growth to check for errors etc.
When doing a VAT return it would be very easy if i could select 2 dates and have it download all invoices (as pdfs or one spreadsheet format) that have been marked as paid within those dates.