Automatic upload of Worldpay sales from Ecommerce sites
Like PayPal, it would be great if payments processed by Worldpay through Ecommerce websites automatically sent the info to Kashflow where invoices could be easily generated.
When we reconcile - after clicking on 'Reconcile' the page displays all the previous reconciliations. The oldest ones being displayed on the top page. I think it would be much more useful to have the latest on Page 1. Could the order be reversed?
Add "if any" or "if all" option for Matching Rules
When creating rules, you can only have one text item.
So for each supermarket, i have to create a new rule. One for Asda, Sainsburys, Tesco etc.
In the "search for" field, it would be good to have an option for "any of these" and be able to list...
Alphabetical order when you do a bank reconciliation
I have payments that I receive on the first of the month and I feel it would make reconciliation easier if you could sort the items by Amount, Type, Payee or Comment.
Use the Supplier defaults when matching transations from imported bank account
When you are matching a transaction which you've imported from a Bank account and you choose to "Create" a new transaction, you get a screen to choose the supplier etc to log a new expense.
However, when you choose a supplier, the purchase code a...
At times during a single day several events affecting the same bank account may happen, for instance sales invoices, purchases and bank transfers (such as withdrawals from Paypal to corporate account). Very often I have noticed that the transactio...
Make the columns in bank feeds the same as they are in reconciliation
Very simple and small, but when you're flitting between multiple accounts, bank feeds, and reconciliations it does get confusing that money in and money out are in different columns. e.g on our bank feeds it is 'money in' in left hand column and '...
Bank payments and receipts associated with expense code so that VAT is accounted for correctly.
At the moment if you do not want to run a sales ledger (eg you only have Till sales) and are accounting for income through a bank account any adjustment to reduce the income is coded as INPUT VAT instead of a reduction of OUTPUT VAT which means th...