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Product IRIS KashFlow
Categories Bank
Created by Guest
Created on Mar 21, 2018

Bank payments and receipts associated with expense code so that VAT is accounted for correctly.

At the moment if you do not want to run a sales ledger (eg you only have Till sales) and are accounting for income through a bank account any adjustment to reduce the income is coded as INPUT VAT instead of a reduction of OUTPUT VAT which means that the total income does not agree with the VAT return.

Like wise the same applies to bank payments when not using a purchase ledger - any refunds would be treated as OUTPUT VAT instead of INPUT VAT.

I feel it would be very helpful for the smaller business who does not need a Sales or even a Purchase ledger to be able to enter via their Bank Accounts.  Other systems have this ability.  eg. Could the Income nominal ledger code be associated with output VAT so that any entry whether DB or CR would appear as OUTPUT VAT etc.

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